Note: Not every object is directly accessible via the root Query type. In particular, objects whose content vary per each Business are usually accessed by nesting inside a Query on Business. For example, List Customers is available through the Business object's customers field.

Schema Types

Table of Contents


The schema’s entry point for queries.

Field Argument Type Description
_ Boolean No-op placeholder for code generation.
oAuthApplication OAuthApplication Get the current OAuth application.
currencies [Currency!]! List currencies.
currency Currency Get a currency.
code CurrencyCode! Code of currency.
countries [Country!]! List countries.
country Country Get a country.
code CountryCode! Code of country.
province Province Get a province.
code String! Code of province.
businesses BusinessConnection List businesses.
page Int 1-based page number to retrieve.
pageSize Int Limit on how many items each page should return.
business Business Get a business.
id ID ID of business. - If defined, it will fetch that business. - If not defined and the access token is restricted to a single business, it will fetch that business. - If not defined and the access token can access multiple businesses, it will fetch the user's default business. To set a default business see
user User The currently authenticated user.
accountTypes [AccountType!]! List types of accounts.
accountSubtypes [AccountSubtype!]! List subtypes of accounts.


The schema’s entry point for mutations.

Field Argument Type Description
_ Boolean No-op placeholder for code generation.
customerCreate CustomerCreateOutput Create a customer.
input CustomerCreateInput!
customerPatch CustomerPatchOutput Patch a customer.
input CustomerPatchInput!
customerDelete CustomerDeleteOutput Delete customer.
input CustomerDeleteInput!
accountCreate AccountCreateOutput Create an account.
input AccountCreateInput!
accountArchive AccountArchiveOutput Archive an account.
input AccountArchiveInput!
accountPatch AccountPatchOutput Patch an account.
input AccountPatchInput!
salesTaxCreate SalesTaxCreateOutput! Create a sales tax.
input SalesTaxCreateInput!
salesTaxPatch SalesTaxPatchOutput! Update a sales tax.
input SalesTaxPatchInput!
salesTaxArchive SalesTaxArchiveOutput! Archive a sales tax.
input SalesTaxArchiveInput!
invoiceCreate InvoiceCreateOutput Create an invoice.
input InvoiceCreateInput!
invoicePatch InvoicePatchOutput Patch an invoice.
input InvoicePatchInput!
invoiceClone InvoiceCloneOutput Clones an invoice.
input InvoiceCloneInput!
invoiceDelete InvoiceDeleteOutput Delete an invoice.
input InvoiceDeleteInput!
invoiceSend InvoiceSendOutput Send an invoice. Requires `Business.emailSendEnabled` to be true.
input InvoiceSendInput!
invoiceApprove InvoiceApproveOutput Approve an invoice.
input InvoiceApproveInput!
invoiceMarkSent InvoiceMarkSentOutput Mark the invoice as sent.
input InvoiceMarkSentInput!
productCreate ProductCreateOutput Create a product.
input ProductCreateInput!
productPatch ProductPatchOutput Patch a product.
input ProductPatchInput!
productArchive ProductArchiveOutput Archive a product.
input ProductArchiveInput!
moneyTransactionCreate MoneyTransactionCreateOutput **BETA**: Create money transaction. Requires `isClassicAccounting` to be `false`.
input MoneyTransactionCreateInput!
moneyDepositTransactionCreate ⚠️ MoneyDepositTransactionCreateOutput Create a money transaction.


Not available for public use at this time.
input MoneyDepositTransactionCreateInput!



A unique record for each type of asset, liability, equity, income and expense. Used as part of a Chart of Accounts.

Field Argument Type Description
business Business! Business that the account belongs to.
id ID! Unique identifier for the account.
classicId String The classic primary key used internally at Wave.
name String! Name of the account.
description String User defined description for the account.
displayId String User defined id for the account.
currency Currency! Currency of the account.
type AccountType! Account type.
subtype AccountSubtype! The account subtype classification based on type.
normalBalanceType AccountNormalBalanceType! Credit or Debit.
isArchived Boolean! Indicates whether the account is hidden from view by default.
sequence Int! Numerically increasing version, each representing a revision of account data. As soon as something modifies an account, its sequence is incremented.
balance Decimal The balance of the account as of the current date.
balanceInBusinessCurrency Decimal The balance of the account as of the current date in the business currency.


Output of the accountArchive mutation.

Field Argument Type Description
didSucceed Boolean! Indicates whether the account was successfully archived.
inputErrors [InputError!] Mutation validation errors.


Account connection.

Field Argument Type Description
edges [AccountEdge!]! List of accounts from the Chart of Accounts.
pageInfo OffsetPageInfo! Information about pagination.


Output of the accountCreate mutation.

Field Argument Type Description
account Account Account that was created.
didSucceed Boolean! Indicates whether the account was successfully created.
inputErrors [InputError!] Mutation validation errors.


Account edge.

Field Argument Type Description
node Account An account from the Chart of Accounts.


Output of the accountPatch mutation.

Field Argument Type Description
account Account Account that was patched.
didSucceed Boolean! Indicates whether the account was successfully patched.
inputErrors [InputError!] Mutation validation errors.


Account subtype.

Field Argument Type Description
name String! Account subtype name.
value AccountSubtypeValue! Account subtype value.
type AccountType! Account type for the subtype.
archivable Boolean! Indicates if accounts of this subtype can be archived.
systemCreated Boolean! Indicates if accounts of this subtype is system created accounts.
description String Account subtype description.


Account type.

Field Argument Type Description
name String! Account type name.
normalBalanceType AccountNormalBalanceType! Normal balance type of the account type
value AccountTypeValue! Account type value.


An address.

Field Argument Type Description
addressLine1 String Address line 1 (Street address/PO Box/Company name).
addressLine2 String Address line 2 (Apartment/Suite/Unit/Building).
city String City/District/Suburb/Town/Village.
province Province State/County/Province/Region.
country Country Country.
postalCode String Zip/Postal Code.


An organization and legal entity made up of an association of people.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The unique identifier for the business.
name String! The name of the business.
isPersonal Boolean! Is the business a personal one with limited functionality compared to regular businesses.
organizationalType OrganizationalType The organization type of the business.
type BusinessType The type of the business.
subtype BusinessSubtype The subtype of the business.
currency Currency! The currency of the business.
timezone String The timezone of the business.
address Address The address of the business.
phone String The phone number of the business.
fax String The fax number of the business.
mobile String The mobile/cell number of the business.
tollFree String The toll free number of the business.
website String The website of the business.
isClassicAccounting ⚠️ Boolean! Does business use classic accounting system.


Classic Accounting is deprecated
isClassicInvoicing ⚠️ Boolean! Does business use classic invoicing system.


Classic Invoicing is deprecated
isArchived Boolean! Is the business hidden from view by default.
createdAt DateTime! When the business was created.
modifiedAt DateTime! When the business was last modified.
customer Customer Get a customer of the business.
id ID! ID of customer.
customers CustomerConnection List of customers for the business.
page Int 1-based page number to retrieve.
pageSize Int Limit on how many items each page should return.
sort [CustomerSort!]! Order result by specified options.
email String Find customers matching an email address.
modifiedAtAfter DateTime Find customers that were modified after this date.
modifiedAtBefore DateTime Find customers that were modified before this date.
account Account Get an account of the business.
id ID! ID of account.
accounts AccountConnection Chart of Accounts for the business.
page Int 1-based page number to retrieve.
pageSize Int Limit on how many items each page should return.
subtypes [AccountSubtypeValue!] Find accounts matching one of these subtypes.
excludedSubtypes [AccountSubtypeValue!] Excludes accounts matching one of these subtypes.
types [AccountTypeValue!] Find accounts matching one of these types.
isArchived Boolean Find accounts matching isArchived. Use null to not filter.
salesTax SalesTax Get a sales tax of the business.
id ID! ID of sales tax.
salesTaxes SalesTaxConnection List of sales taxes for the business.
isArchived Boolean Find sales taxes matching isArchived. Use null to not filter.
modifiedAtAfter DateTime Find sales taxes that were modified after this date.
modifiedAtBefore DateTime Find sales taxes that were modified before this date.
page Int 1-based page number to retrieve.
pageSize Int Limit on how many items each page should return.
invoice Invoice Get an invoice of the business.
id ID! ID of invoice.
invoices InvoiceConnection List of invoices for the business.
page Int 1-based page number to retrieve.
pageSize Int Limit on how many items each page should return.
sort [InvoiceSort!]! Order result by specified options.
status InvoiceStatus Find invoices by status.
customerId ID Find invoices for a customer.
currency CurrencyCode Find invoices in a currency.
sourceId ID Find invoices that were created from a particular source.
invoiceDateStart Date Find invoices dated on or after this date.
invoiceDateEnd Date Find invoices dated before or on this date.
modifiedAtAfter DateTime Find invoices that were modified after this date.
modifiedAtBefore DateTime Find invoices that were modified before this date.
invoiceNumber String Find invoices with invoice number containing this string. Note that a query for `12` would find invoices with numbers `12`, `112`, `120`, `121`, `122`, etc.
amountDue Decimal Find invoices that have this exact amount due.
emailSendEnabled Boolean! Indicates whether Wave email sending features, such as sending invoices, are enabled for this business
vendors VendorConnection List of vendors for the business.
page Int 1-based page number to retrieve.
pageSize Int Limit on how many items each page should return.
email String Find vendors matching an email address.
modifiedAtAfter DateTime Find vendors that were modified after this date.
modifiedAtBefore DateTime Find vendors that were modified before this date.
vendor Vendor Get a vendor of the business.
id ID! Id of vendor
invoiceEstimateSettings InvoiceEstimateSettings! Invoice and estimate settings for the business.
product Product Get a product (or service) of the business.
id ID! ID of product.
products ProductConnection List of products (and services) for the business.
page Int 1-based page number to retrieve.
pageSize Int Limit on how many items each page should return.
sort [ProductSort!]! Order result by specified options.
isSold Boolean Find products sold by the business.
isBought Boolean Find products bought by the business.
isArchived Boolean Find products matching isArchived. Use null to not filter.
modifiedAtAfter DateTime Find products that were modified after this date.
modifiedAtBefore DateTime Find products that were modified before this date.


Business connection.

Field Argument Type Description
edges [BusinessEdge!]! List of businesses.
pageInfo OffsetPageInfo! Information about pagination.


Business edge.

Field Argument Type Description
node Business A business.


Granular area of focus of a business.

Field Argument Type Description
name String! The description of the business subtype in human-friendly form.
value BusinessSubtypeValue! The enum value of the business subtype.


Area of focus of a business.

Field Argument Type Description
name String! The description of the business type in human-friendly form.
value BusinessTypeValue! The enum value of the business type.


A country.

Field Argument Type Description
code CountryCode! Country code.
name String! Plain-language representation.
currency Currency! Default currency of the country.
nameWithArticle String! Name of the country with the appropriate article.
provinces [Province!]! List of principal subdivisions.


A medium of exchange in common use.

Field Argument Type Description
code CurrencyCode! Currency code.
symbol String! Symbol used to denote that a number is a monetary value.
name String! Plain-language representation.
plural String! Plural version of currency name.
exponent Int! Expresses the relationship between a major currency unit and its minor currency unit. The number of digits found to the right of the decimal place to represent the fractional part of this currency (assumes a base of 10).


A customer of the business.

Field Argument Type Description
business Business! Business that the customer belongs to.
id ID! Unique identifier for the customer.
internalId ⚠️ String The primary key used internally at Wave.


Exposed internal IDs will eventually be removed in favor of global ID. Use instead.
name String! Name or business name of the customer.
address Address Address of the customer.
firstName String First name of the principal contact.
lastName String Last name of the principal contact.
displayId String User defined id for the customer. Commonly referred to as Account Number.
email String Email of the principal contact.
mobile String Mobile telephone number of the principal contact.
phone String Telephone number of the customer.
fax String Fax number of the customer.
tollFree String Toll-free number of the customer.
website String Website address of the customer.
internalNotes String Internal notes about the customer.
currency Currency Default currency used by the customer.
shippingDetails CustomerShippingDetails Details for shipping to the customer.
createdAt DateTime! When the customer was created.
modifiedAt DateTime! When the customer was last modified.
isArchived Boolean Whether or not the customer is archived.
outstandingAmount Money! Amount due on customer's invoices.
overdueAmount Money! Amount due on customer's invoices with due date that have passed.


Customer connection.

Field Argument Type Description
edges [CustomerEdge!]! List of customers.
pageInfo OffsetPageInfo! Information about pagination.


Output of the customerCreate mutation.

Field Argument Type Description
customer Customer Customer that was created.
didSucceed Boolean! Indicates whether the customer was successfully created.
inputErrors [InputError!] Mutation validation errors.


Output of the customerDelete mutation.

Field Argument Type Description
didSucceed Boolean! Indicates whether the customer was successfully deleted.
inputErrors [InputError!] Mutation validation errors.


Customer edge.

Field Argument Type Description
node Customer A customer.


Output of the customerPatch mutation.

Field Argument Type Description
customer Customer Customer that was patched.
didSucceed Boolean! Indicates whether the customer was successfully patched.
inputErrors [InputError!] Mutation validation errors.


Shipping details related to a customer.

Field Argument Type Description
name String Name or business name of the customer.
address Address Address of the customer.
phone String Telephone number of the customer.
instructions String Delivery instructions for handling.


An approximate bill given to a buyer indicating the products or services, quantities, and expected prices (not a request for payment).

Field Argument Type Description
business Business! Business that the Estimate belongs to
id ID! Unique identifier for the estimate.
internalId ⚠️ String The primary key used internally at Wave.


Exposed internal IDs will eventually be removed in favor of global ID. Use instead.


A fixed discount applied to an Invoice.

Field Argument Type Description
createdAt DateTime! When the invoice discount was created.
modifiedAt DateTime! When the invoice discount was last modified.
name String A description of the discount.
amount Decimal The amount of the discount.


General settings on an invoice and estimate.

Field Argument Type Description
accentColor HexColorCode Color to represent the brand of the business.
logoUrl URL Logo of the business.


Mutation validation error.

Field Argument Type Description
path [String!] Path to the input value.
message String Error message.
code String Error code.


Document issued to a buyer for payment indicating the products or services, quantities, and agreed prices.

Field Argument Type Description
business Business! Business that the invoice belongs to.
customer Customer! Customer the invoice is for.
id ID! Unique identifier for the invoice.
internalId ⚠️ String The primary key used internally at Wave.


Exposed internal IDs will eventually be removed in favor of global ID. Use instead.
createdAt DateTime! When the invoice was created.
modifiedAt DateTime! When the invoice was last modified.
source InvoiceSource Entity that was the precursor to the invoice.
pdfUrl String! URL to access PDF representation of the invoice.
viewUrl String! URL to view the invoice online as seen by a customer.
status InvoiceStatus! Status of the Invoice.
title String! Invoice title at the top of the document.
subhead String Invoice subheading text.
invoiceNumber String! Unique number assigned to the invoice.
poNumber String Purchase order or sales order number for the invoice.
invoiceDate Date! Date when invoice is issued.
dueDate Date! Date when payment is due.
amountDue Money! Invoice total less amount already paid.
amountPaid Money! Total of all payments so far made against this invoice.
taxTotal Money! Total of all sales taxes on all line items within the invoice.
total Money! Total value of the invoice including sales taxes.
discountTotal Money! Total value of all discounts.
discounts [InvoiceDiscount!] Invoice discounts.
currency Currency! Currency of the invoice.
exchangeRate Decimal! Exchange rate to business's currency from the invoice's currency. Used to value the invoice income within Wave's accounting transactions.
items [InvoiceItem!] The line items (product, unit and price) that make up the invoiced sale.
memo String Invoice memo (notes) text.
footer String Invoice footer text.
disableCreditCardPayments Boolean! Within a business that is enabled to accept credit card payments, indicates if this individual invoice has been marked to not be payable by card.
disableBankPayments Boolean! Within a business that is enabled to accept bank payments, indicates if this individual invoice has been marked to not be payable by bank payment.
disableAmexPayments Boolean! Within a business that is enabled to accept credit card payments, indicates if this individual invoice has been marked to not be payable by American Express.
itemTitle String! The label for the 'Item' column in the line items listing.
unitTitle String! The label for the 'Unit' column in the listing of line items on the invoice.
priceTitle String! The label for the 'Price' column in the listing of line items on the invoice.
amountTitle String! The label for the 'Amount' (= unit x price) column in the listing of line items on the invoice.
hideName Boolean! Indicates whether item's product name in item column is hidden in the line items listing.
hideDescription Boolean! Indicates whether item's description in item column is hidden in the line items listing.
hideUnit Boolean! Indicates whether item's unit is hidden in the line items listing.
hidePrice Boolean! Indicates whether item's price is hidden in the line items listing.
hideAmount Boolean! Indicates whether item's amount is hidden in the line items listing.
lastSentAt DateTime When the invoice was last sent.
lastSentVia InvoiceSendMethod How the invoice was last sent.
lastViewedAt DateTime When the invoice was last viewed by the customer.
requireTermsOfServiceAgreement Boolean! Indicates whether the customer is required to accept the terms of service.
subtotal Money! Pretax total.


Output of the invoiceApprove mutation.

Field Argument Type Description
invoice Invoice Invoice that was approved.
didSucceed Boolean! Indicates whether the invoice was successfully approved.
inputErrors [InputError!] Mutation validation errors.


Output of the invoiceClone mutation.

Field Argument Type Description
invoice Invoice Invoice that was cloned.
didSucceed Boolean! Indicates whether the invoice was successfully cloned.
inputErrors [InputError!] Mutation validation errors.


Invoice connection.

Field Argument Type Description
edges [InvoiceEdge!]! List of invoices.
pageInfo OffsetPageInfo! Information about pagination.


Output of the invoiceCreate mutation.

Field Argument Type Description
invoice Invoice Invoice that was created.
didSucceed Boolean! Indicates whether the invoice was successfully created.
inputErrors [InputError!] Mutation validation errors.


Output of the invoiceDelete mutation.

Field Argument Type Description
didSucceed Boolean! Indicates whether the invoice was successfully deleted.
inputErrors [InputError!] Mutation validation errors.


Invoice edge.

Field Argument Type Description
node Invoice! An invoice.


Business invoice and estimates settings information.

Field Argument Type Description
generalSettings GeneralSettings! Settings applied to both invoices and estimates.


Invoice line item.

Field Argument Type Description
account Account! Income account.
description String Detailed description.
quantity Decimal! Number of units.
price ⚠️ Decimal! Price per unit.


Use unitPrice to avoid ambiguity in how the value relates to quantity and the subtotal.
unitPrice Decimal! Price per unit in the major currency unit.
subtotal Money! Pretax total.
total Money! Total including sales taxes.
taxes [InvoiceItemTax!]! Taxes.
product Product! Associated product.


Invoice line item's sales tax.

Field Argument Type Description
salesTax SalesTax! Sales tax.
amount Money Sales tax amount.
rate ⚠️ Decimal Sales tax rate.


Use `salesTax.rate`. `rate` will be removed on Oct 20th 2022.


Output of the invoiceMarkSent mutation.

Field Argument Type Description
invoice Invoice Invoice that was marked as sent.
didSucceed Boolean! Indicates whether the invoice was successfully marked as sent.
inputErrors [InputError!] Mutation validation errors.


Output of the invoicePatch mutation.

Field Argument Type Description
invoice Invoice Invoice that was created.
didSucceed Boolean! Indicates whether the invoice was successfully created.
inputErrors [InputError!] Mutation validation errors.


Output of the invoiceSend mutation.

Field Argument Type Description
invoice Invoice Invoice that was sent.
didSucceed Boolean! Indicates whether the invoice was successfully queued for sending.
inputErrors [InputError!] Mutation validation errors.


A medium of exchange in common use.

Field Argument Type Description
raw ⚠️ Int! Value represented in only the minor currency unit.


Use `minorUnitValue` instead, as `raw` can overflow for large numbers.
minorUnitValue Decimal! Value represented in only the minor currency unit.
value String! Amount represented as a combination of the major and minor currency unit (uses a decimal separator).
currency Currency! Currency


Output of the moneyDepositTransactionCreate Mutation

Field Argument Type Description
didSucceed Boolean! Whether or not the transaction was successfully created.
inputErrors [InputError!] Mutation validation errors.


Output of the moneyTransactionCreate Mutation

Field Argument Type Description
transaction Transaction Created transaction.
didSucceed Boolean! Whether or not the transaction was successfully created.
inputErrors [InputError!] Mutation validation errors.


An estimate created in our new platform.

Field Argument Type Description
business Business! Business that the Estimate belongs to
id ID! Unique identifier for the estimate.


An OAuth application.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The unique identifier for the application.
name String! The name of the application.
description String A description of the application.
clientId String! The client identifier issued to the client during the registration process.
logoUrl URL The URL to the application logo.
extraData JSON Additional data for the application. - If the requested `clientId` does not match that of the current OAuth application, `extraData` will not be returned.
createdAt DateTime! When the application was created.
modifiedAt DateTime! When the application was last modified.


Information about pagination in a connection.

Field Argument Type Description
currentPage Int! Current page number.
totalPages Int Total number of pages in the connection.
totalCount Int Total number of nodes in the connection.


A percentage discount applied to an Invoice.

Field Argument Type Description
createdAt DateTime! When the invoice discount was created.
modifiedAt DateTime! When the invoice discount was last modified.
name String A description of the discount.
percentage Decimal The percentage of the discount.


Product (or service) that a business sells to a customer or purchases from a vendor.

Field Argument Type Description
business Business! Business that the product belongs to.
incomeAccount Account The income account to associate with this product, set when isSold.
expenseAccount Account The expense account to associate with this product, set when isBought.
defaultSalesTaxes [SalesTax!]! Default sales taxes to apply on product.
id ID! Unique identifier for the product.
internalId ⚠️ String The primary key used internally at Wave.


Exposed internal IDs will eventually be removed in favor of global ID. Use instead.
name String! Name of the product.
description String Description of the product.
unitPrice Decimal! Price per unit in the major currency unit.
isSold Boolean! Is product sold by the business. Allow this product or service to be added to Invoices.
isBought Boolean! Is product bought by the business. Allow this product or service to be added to Bills.
isArchived Boolean! Is the product hidden from view by default.
createdAt DateTime! When the product was created.
modifiedAt DateTime! When the product was last modified.


Output of the productArchive mutation.

Field Argument Type Description
product Product Product that was archived.
didSucceed Boolean! Indicates whether the product was successfully deleted.
inputErrors [InputError!] Mutation validation errors.


Product connection.

Field Argument Type Description
edges [ProductEdge!]! List of products.
pageInfo OffsetPageInfo! Information about pagination.


Output of the productCreate mutation.

Field Argument Type Description
product Product Product that was created.
didSucceed Boolean! Indicates whether the product was successfully created.
inputErrors [InputError!] Mutation validation errors.


Product edge.

Field Argument Type Description
node Product! A product.


Output of the productPatch mutation.

Field Argument Type Description
product Product Product that was updated.
didSucceed Boolean! Indicates whether the product was successfully patched.
inputErrors [InputError!] Mutation validation errors.


A state/county/province/region.

Field Argument Type Description
slug ⚠️ String Informal name for identification.


Nonstandard values. Use code instead.
code String! [ISO 3166-2]( identifier.
name String! Plain-lanuage representaton.


A template that can be used to generate and possibly pay an invoice at regular intervals.

Field Argument Type Description
business Business! Business that the RecurringInvoice belongs to
id ID! Unique identifier for the recurring invoice.
internalId ⚠️ String The primary key used internally at Wave.


Exposed internal IDs will eventually be removed in favor of global ID. Use instead.


A tax paid to a taxing authority for the sales of certain goods and services.

Field Argument Type Description
business Business! Business that the sales tax belongs to.
id ID! The unique identifier for the sales tax.
internalId ⚠️ String The primary key used internally at Wave.


Exposed internal IDs will eventually be removed in favor of global ID. Use instead.
name String! Name of the tax.
abbreviation String! A short form or code representing the sales tax.
description String User defined description for the sales tax.
taxNumber String The tax's issued identification number from a taxing authority.
showTaxNumberOnInvoices Boolean! Display tax number beside the tax name on an invoice.
rate Decimal! Tax rate effective on 'for' date, or current date if no parameter, as a decimal (e.g. 0.15 represents 15%).
for Date
rates [SalesTaxRate!]! Tax rates with their effective dates of application
isCompound Boolean! Is a compound tax, or stacked tax. This tax is calculated on top of the subtotal and other tax amounts.
isRecoverable Boolean! Is a recoverable tax. It is recoverable if you can deduct the tax that you as a business paid from the tax that you have collected.
isArchived Boolean! Is the sales tax hidden from view by default.
createdAt DateTime! When the sales tax was created.
modifiedAt DateTime! When the sales tax was last modified.


Output of the salesTaxArchive mutation.

Field Argument Type Description
salesTax SalesTax Sales tax that was archived.
didSucceed Boolean! Indicates whether the sales tax was successfully deleted.
inputErrors [InputError!] Mutation validation errors.


Sales tax connection.

Field Argument Type Description
edges [SalesTaxEdge!]! List of sales taxes.
pageInfo OffsetPageInfo! Information about pagination.


Output of the salesTaxCreate mutation.

Field Argument Type Description
salesTax SalesTax Sales tax that was created.
didSucceed Boolean! Indicates whether the sales tax was successfully created.
inputErrors [InputError!] Mutation validation errors.


Sales tax edge.

Field Argument Type Description
node SalesTax A sales tax.


Output of the salesTaxPatch mutation.

Field Argument Type Description
salesTax SalesTax Sales tax that was patched.
didSucceed Boolean! Indicates whether the sales tax was successfully patched.
inputErrors [InputError!] Mutation validation errors.


A Sales Tax rate with effective date. New entry for each change of rate.

Field Argument Type Description
effective Date! Date from which the sales tax rate applies.
rate Decimal! Tax rate applying from the effective date as a decimal (e.g. 0.15 represents 15%).


An created transaction.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! Unique identifier for the transaction.


A user is an individual's account.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The unique identifier for the user.
defaultEmail String The user's primary email address.
firstName String The user's first name.
lastName String The user's last name.
createdAt DateTime! When the user was created.
modifiedAt DateTime! When the user was last modified.


A vendor of the business.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! Unique identifier for the customer.
business Business! Business that the vendor belongs to.
name String! Name or business name of the vendor.
address Address The address of the vendor.
firstName String The first name of the principal contact.
lastName String The last name of the principal contact.
displayId String User defined id for the vendor. Commonly referred to as Account Number.
email String Email of the principal vendor.
mobile String The mobile number of the vendor.
phone String The phone number of the vendor.
fax String Fax number of the vendor.
tollFree String Toll-free number of the vendor.
website String Website address of the vendor.
internalNotes String Internal notes about the vendor.
currency Currency Default currency used by the vendor.
shippingDetails VendorShippingDetails Details for shipping to the vendor.
createdAt DateTime! When the vendor was created.
modifiedAt DateTime! When the vendor was last modified.
isArchived Boolean Whether or not the vendor is archived.


Vendor connection.

Field Argument Type Description
edges [VendorEdge!]! List of vendors.
pageInfo OffsetPageInfo! Information about pagination.


Vendor edge.

Field Argument Type Description
node Vendor! A vendor.


Shipping details related to a vendor.

Field Argument Type Description
name String Name or business name of the vendor.
address Address Address of the vendor.
phone String Telephone number of the vendor.
instructions String Delivery instructions for handling.



Input to the accountArchive mutation.

Field Type Description
id ID! The unique identifier for the account.


Input to the accountCreate mutation.

Field Type Description
businessId ID! The unique identifier for the business.
subtype AccountSubtypeValue! The account subtype classification.
currency CurrencyCode Currency of the account. Will default to business's currency.
name String! Name of the account.
description String User defined description for the account.
displayId String User defined id for the account.


Input to the accountPatch mutation.

Field Type Description
id ID! The unique identifier for the account.
sequence Int! The most recent reversion you are aware of. As soon as something modifies an account, its sequence is incremented.
name String Name of the account.
description String User defined description for the account. Use null to unset the current value.
displayId String User defined id for the account. Use null to unset the current value.


An address.

Field Type Description
addressLine1 String Address line 1 (Street address/PO Box/Company name).
addressLine2 String Address line 2 (Apartment/Suite/Unit/Building).
city String City/District/Suburb/Town/Village.
provinceCode String State/County/Province/Region Code ([ISO 3166-2](
countryCode CountryCode Country Code.
postalCode String Zip/Postal Code.


Input to the customerCreate mutation.

Field Type Description
businessId ID! The unique identifier for the business.
name String! Name or business name of the customer.
firstName String First name of the principal contact.
lastName String Last name of the principal contact.
address AddressInput Address
displayId String User defined id for the customer.
email String Email of the principal contact.
mobile String Mobile telephone number of the principal contact.
phone String Telephone number of the customer.
fax String Fax number of the customer.
tollFree String Toll-free number of the customer.
website String Website address of the customer.
internalNotes String Internal notes about the customer.
currency CurrencyCode Default currency used by the customer.
shippingDetails CustomerShippingDetailsInput Details for shipping to the customer.


Input to the customerDelete mutation.

Field Type Description
id ID! The unique identifier for the customer.


Input to the customerPatch mutation.

Field Type Description
id ID! The unique identifier for the customer.
name String Name or business name of the customer.
firstName String First name of the principal contact.
lastName String Last name of the principal contact.
address AddressInput Address
displayId String User defined id for the customer.
email String Email of the principal contact.
mobile String Mobile telephone number of the principal contact.
phone String Telephone number of the customer.
fax String Fax number of the customer.
tollFree String Toll-free number of the customer.
website String Website address of the customer.
internalNotes String Internal notes about the customer.
currency CurrencyCode Default currency used by the customer.
shippingDetails CustomerPatchShippingDetailsInput Details for shipping to the customer.


Shipping details related to a customer.

Field Type Description
name String Name or business name of the customer.
address AddressInput Address of the customer.
phone String Telephone number of the customer.
instructions String Delivery instructions for handling.


Shipping details related to a customer.

Field Type Description
name String Name or business name of the customer.
address AddressInput Address of the customer.
phone String Telephone number of the customer.
instructions String Delivery instructions for handling.


Input to the invoiceApprove mutation.

Field Type Description
invoiceId ID! The unique identifier for the invoice.


Input to the invoiceClone mutation.

Field Type Description
invoiceId ID! The unique identifier for the invoice.


Input to the invoiceCreate mutation.

Field Type Description
businessId ID! The unique identifier for the business.
customerId ID! The customer identifier to associate with invoice.
status InvoiceCreateStatus Status of the Invoice.
currency CurrencyCode Currency of the invoice. If not provided, will use the business's default currency.
title String Invoice title at the top of the document. If not provided, will use the business's default invoice title.
subhead String Invoice subheading text. If not provided, will use the business's default invoice subheading.
invoiceNumber String Unique number assigned to the invoice. If not provided, will find the current largest invoice number and add 1.
poNumber String Purchase order or sales order number for the invoice.
invoiceDate Date Date when invoice is issued. If not provided, will use today's date.
exchangeRate Decimal Exchange rate to business's currency from the invoice's currency. Used to value the invoice income within Wave's accounting transactions.
dueDate Date Date when payment is due. If not provided, will apply the business's default invoice payment terms to `invoiceDate` value.
items [InvoiceCreateItemInput!] The line items (product, unit and price) that make up the invoiced sale.
discounts [InvoiceDiscountInput!] The discounts applied to the invoice (currently limited to max 1).
memo String Invoice memo (notes) text. If not provided, will use the business's default invoice memo.
footer String Invoice footer text. If not provided, will use the business's default invoice footer.
disableAmexPayments Boolean Within a business that is enabled to accept credit card payments, indicates if this individual invoice has been marked to not be payable by american express payment. If not provided, will use the business's default invoice settings american express payment state.
disableCreditCardPayments Boolean Within a business that is enabled to accept credit card payments, indicates if this individual invoice has been marked to not be payable by card. If not provided, will use the business's default invoice credit card payment state.
disableBankPayments Boolean Within a business that is enabled to accept bank payments, indicates if this individual invoice has been marked to not be payable by bank payment. If not provided, will use the business's default invoice bank payment state.
itemTitle String The label for the 'Item' column in the listing of line items on the invoice. If not provided, will use the business's default invoice column item title.
unitTitle String The label for the 'Unit' column in the listing of line items on the invoice. If not provided, will use the business's default invoice column unit title.
priceTitle String The label for the 'Price' column in the listing of line items on the invoice. If not provided, will use the business's default invoice column price title.
amountTitle String The label for the 'Amount' (= unit x price) column in the listing of line items on the invoice. If not provided, will use the business's default invoice column amount title.
hideName Boolean Indicates whether item's product name in item column is hidden in the line items listing. If not provided, will use the business's default invoice item name visibility.
hideDescription Boolean Indicates whether item's description in item column is hidden in the line items listing. If not provided, will use the business's default invoice item description visibility.
hideUnit Boolean Indicates whether item's unit is hidden in the line items listing. If not provided, will use the business's default invoice item unit visibility.
hidePrice Boolean Indicates whether item's price is hidden in the line items listing. If not provided, will use the business's default invoice item price visibility.
hideAmount Boolean Indicates whether item's amount is hidden in the line items listing. If not provided, will use the business's default invoice item amount visibility.
requireTermsOfServiceAgreement Boolean Indicates whether the customer is required to accept the terms of service.


Invoice line item.

Field Type Description
productId ID! Associated product.
description String Override product's description.
quantity Decimal Number of units (rounded to nearest 8 decimal places with ties going away from zero).
unitPrice Decimal Override product's unitPrice. Price per unit in the major currency unit (rounded to nearest 8 decimal places with ties going away from zero).
taxes [InvoiceCreateItemTaxInput!] Taxes. To have the product's default sales taxes applied, provide `undefined` as the value.


Invoice line item's sales tax.

Field Type Description
salesTaxId ID! Sales tax.
amount Decimal *DEPRECATED - DO NOT USE* Sales Tax Amount is calculated by Wave using your Sales Tax settings.


Input to the invoiceDelete mutation.

Field Type Description
invoiceId ID! The unique identifier for the invoice.


Invoice Discount.

Field Type Description
amount Decimal Discount amount (for FIXED-type discounts).
name String Discount name.
discountType InvoiceDiscountType! Discount type.
percentage Decimal Discount percentage (for PERCENTAGE-type discounts).


Input to the invoiceMarkSent mutation.

Field Type Description
invoiceId ID! The unique identifier for the invoice.
sendMethod InvoiceSendMethod! How the invoice was sent.
sentAt DateTime When the invoice was sent.


Input to the invoicePatch mutation. For each value if it's not provided - do not update it.

Field Type Description
id ID! Unique identifier for the invoice.
customerId ID The customer identifier to associate with invoice.
status InvoiceCreateStatus Status of the Invoice.
title String Invoice title at the top of the document.
subhead String Invoice subheading text.
invoiceDate Date Date when invoice is issued.
currency CurrencyCode Currency of the invoice.
exchangeRate Decimal Exchange rate to business's currency from the invoice's currency. Used to value the invoice income within Wave's accounting transactions.
dueDate Date Date when payment is due.
items [InvoiceCreateItemInput!] The line items (product, unit and price) that make up the invoiced sale. If provided, it would replace all items with given ones.
memo String Invoice memo (notes) text.
footer String Invoice footer text.
disableAmexPayments Boolean Within a business that is enabled to accept credit card payments, indicates if this individual invoice has been marked to not be payable by american express payment.
disableCreditCardPayments Boolean Within a business that is enabled to accept credit card payments, indicates if this individual invoice has been marked to not be payable by card.
disableBankPayments Boolean Within a business that is enabled to accept bank payments, indicates if this individual invoice has been marked to not be payable by bank payment.
itemTitle String The label for the 'Item' column in the listing of line items on the invoice.
unitTitle String The label for the 'Unit' column in the listing of line items on the invoice.
priceTitle String The label for the 'Price' column in the listing of line items on the invoice.
amountTitle String The label for the 'Amount' (= unit x price) column in the listing of line items on the invoice.
hideName Boolean Indicates whether item's product name in item column is hidden in the line items listing.
hideDescription Boolean Indicates whether item's description in item column is hidden in the line items listing.
hideUnit Boolean Indicates whether item's unit is hidden in the line items listing.
hidePrice Boolean Indicates whether item's price is hidden in the line items listing.
hideAmount Boolean Indicates whether item's amount is hidden in the line items listing.
poNumber String Purchase order or sales order number for the invoice.
invoiceNumber String Unique number assigned to the invoice.
discounts [InvoiceDiscountInput!] The discounts applied to the invoice (currently limited to max 1).
requireTermsOfServiceAgreement Boolean Indicates whether the customer is required to accept the terms of service.


Input to the invoiceSend mutation.

Field Type Description
invoiceId ID! The unique identifier for the invoice.
to [String!]! Email addresses to receive an email.
subject String Subject line of the email.
message String Message body of the email.
attachPDF Boolean! Include a PDF of the invoice as an attachment.
fromAddress String Email address from
ccMyself Boolean Carbon copy email.


Input representing a deposit.

Field Type Description
accountId ID! Id of the account.
amount Float! Date of the transaction.


Fee input.

Field Type Description
accountId ID! ID of the account associated with the fee.
amount Float! Amount.


Input of the moneyDepositTransactionCreate Mutation

Field Type Description
businessId ID! Id of the business.
date Date! Date of the transaction.
description String! Description for the transaction.
deposit MoneyDepositTransactionCreateDepositInput! Deposit account and amount.
lineItems [MoneyDepositTransactionCreateLineItemInput!]! Line items.
fees [MoneyDepositTransactionCreateFeeInput!] Fees.
origin TransactionOrigin! Origin of the transaction.
externalId String ID of the transaction in an external system.
createdAt DateTime Transaction timestamp.
notes String Extra notes about the transaction.


Line item input.

Field Type Description
accountId ID! ID of the account associated with the line item.
amount Float! Amount.
customerId ID ID of the customer associated with the line item.
taxes [TransactionCreateSalesTaxInput!]! Taxes applied to the line item.


Anchor input.

Field Type Description
accountId ID! ID of the anchor account.
amount Decimal! Amount of the transaction (unsigned).
direction TransactionDirection! Direction of a transaction


Input of the moneyTransactionCreate Mutation

Field Type Description
businessId ID! The unique identifier for the business.
externalId String! ID of the transaction in an external system. If you don't have one, generate a UUID and provide it.
date Date! Date of the transaction.
description String! Description for the transaction.
notes String Extra notes about the transaction.
anchor MoneyTransactionCreateAnchorInput! Anchor item.
lineItems [MoneyTransactionCreateLineItemInput!]! Line items.


Line item input.

Field Type Description
accountId ID! ID of the account associated with the line item.
amount Decimal! Amount of the line item (unsigned).
balance BalanceType! How the account should change in relation to the amount.
customerId ID ID of the customer associated with the line item.
description String Optional description for line item.
taxes [MoneyTransactionCreateSalesTaxInput!] Taxes applied to the line item.


Sales tax input.

Field Type Description
salesTaxId ID! ID of the sales tax.
amount Decimal! Override the amount of the tax (unsigned).


Input to the productArchive mutation.

Field Type Description
id ID! The unique identifier for the product.


Input to the productCreate mutation.

Field Type Description
businessId ID! The unique identifier for the business.
name String! Name of the product.
unitPrice Decimal! Price per unit in the major currency unit (rounded to nearest 5 decimal places with ties going away from zero).
description String Product description.
defaultSalesTaxIds [ID!] Default sales taxes to apply on product.
incomeAccountId ID Income account to associate with this product. Account must be one of subtypes: `INCOME`, `DISCOUNTS`, `OTHER_INCOME`.
expenseAccountId ID Expense account to associate with this product. Account must be one of subtypes: `EXPENSE`, `COST_OF_GOODS_SOLD`, `PAYMENT_PROCESSING_FEES`, `PAYROLL_EXPENSES`.


Input to the productPatch mutation.

Field Type Description
id ID! The unique identifier for the product.
name String Name of the product.
description String Description of the product.
unitPrice Decimal Price per unit in the major currency unit (rounded to nearest 5 decimal places with ties going away from zero).
defaultSalesTaxIds [ID!] Default sales taxes to apply on product.
incomeAccountId ID Income account to associate with this product. Account must be one of subtypes: `INCOME`, `DISCOUNTS`, `OTHER_INCOME`.
expenseAccountId ID Expense account to associate with this product. Account must be one of subtypes: `EXPENSE`, `COST_OF_GOODS_SOLD`, `PAYMENT_PROCESSING_FEES`, `PAYROLL_EXPENSES`.


Input to the salesTaxArchive mutation.

Field Type Description
id ID! The unique identifier for the sales tax.


Input to the salesTaxCreate mutation.

Field Type Description
businessId ID! The unique identifier for the business.
name String! Name of the tax.
abbreviation String! An short form or code representing the sales tax. Max 10 characters, and MUST BE UNIQUE within business.
rate Decimal! The current rate, as a decimal (e.g. 0.15 represents 15%; rounded to nearest 6 decimal places with ties going away from zero).
description String User defined description for the sales tax.
taxNumber String The tax's issued identification number from a taxing authority.
showTaxNumberOnInvoices Boolean Display tax number beside the tax name on an invoice.
isCompound Boolean Is a compound tax, or stacked tax. This tax is calculated on top of the subtotal and other tax amounts.
isRecoverable Boolean Is a recoverable tax. It is recoverable if you can deduct the tax that you as a business paid from the tax that you have collected.


Input to the salesTaxPatch mutation.

Field Type Description
id ID! The unique identifier for the sales tax.
name String Name of the tax.
abbreviation String An short form or code representing the sales tax
description String User defined description for the sales tax.
taxNumber String The tax's issued identification number from a taxing authority.
showTaxNumberOnInvoices Boolean Display tax number beside the tax name on an invoice.
rates [SalesTaxRateInput!] Tax rate information.


Sales tax rate input for the salesTaxPatch mutation

Field Type Description
effective Date! Date from which the sales tax rate applies.
rate Decimal! Tax rate applying from the effective date as a decimal (e.g. 0.15 represents 15%).


Sales tax input.

Field Type Description
abbreviation String! Tax Abbreviation.
amount Float! Tax Amount.



Account balance type.

Value Description


Subtypes of accounts, as used in the Chart of Accounts.

Value Description
COST_OF_GOODS_SOLD Cost of Goods Sold
CUSTOMER_PREPAYMENTS_AND_CREDITS Customer Prepayments and Customer Credits
DEPRECIATION_AND_AMORTIZATION Depreciation and Amortization
DUE_TO_YOU_AND_OTHER_OWNERS Due to You and Other Business Owners
GAIN_ON_FOREIGN_EXCHANGE Gain on Foreign Exchange
LOANS Loan and Line of Credit
LOSS_ON_FOREIGN_EXCHANGE Loss on Foreign Exchange
MONEY_IN_TRANSIT Money in Transit
NON_RETAINED_EARNINGS Business Owner Contribution
OTHER_CURRENT_LIABILITY Other Short-Term Liability
PAYABLE_BILLS System Payable Bill
PAYABLE_OTHER System Payable Non-Bill
PROPERTY_PLANT_EQUIPMENT Property, Plant, Equipment
RECEIVABLE_INVOICES System Receivable Invoice
RECEIVABLE_OTHER System Receivable Non-Invoice
RETAINED_EARNINGS Retained Earnings: Profit and Business Owner Drawing
SALES_TAX Sales Tax on Sales and Purchases
VENDOR_PREPAYMENTS_AND_CREDITS Vendor Prepayments and Vendor Credits


Types of accounts, as used in the Chart of Accounts.

Value Description
ASSET Represents the different types of economic resources owned or controlled by an entity.
EQUITY Represents the residual equity of an entity.
EXPENSE Represents the business's expenditures.
INCOME Represents the business's earnings.
LIABILITY Represents the different types of economic obligations of an entity.


Balance type that expresses how to change an account.

Value Description
CREDIT Credit.
DEBIT Debit.
DECREASE Decrease using the inverse of the account's normal balance type. For contra accounts whose subtype is `DISCOUNTS` or `DEPRECIATION_AND_AMORTIZATION`, apply the amount in the account's normal balance type.
INCREASE Increase using the account's normal balance type. For contra accounts whose subtype is `DISCOUNTS` or `DEPRECIATION_AND_AMORTIZATION`, apply the amount in the inverse of the account's normal balance type.


Granular area of focus of a business.

Value Description
ADVERTISING_PUBLIC_RELATIONS Advertising, Public Relations
AGRICULTURE_RANCHING_FARMING Agriculture, Ranching and Farming
CHURCH_RELIGIOUS_ORGANIZATION Church, Religious Organization
DESIGN_ARCHITECTURE_ENGINEERING Design, Architecture, Engineering
FINANCIAL_SERVICES Other Financial Service
INSURANCE_AGENCY_BROKER Insurance Agency, Broker
LAWN_CARE_LANDSCAPING Lawn Care, Landscaping
LODGING_HOTEL_MOTEL Lodging, Hotel, Motel
MANUFACTURER_REPRESENTATIVE_AGENT Manufacturing Representative, Agent
OTHER__OTHER_PLEASE_SPECIFY Other (please specify)
PRODUCT_PROVIDER__OTHER Other Product-based Business
RENTAL Real Estate Rental
RESTAURANT_CATERER_BAR Restaurant, Caterer, Bar
SALES_INDEPENDENT_AGENT Sales: Independent Agent
SERVICE_PROVIDER__OTHER Other Service-based Business
TRANSPORTATION_TRUCKING_DELIVERY Transportation, Trucking, Deliver
WHOLESALE_DISTRIBUTION_SALES Wholesale Distribution and Sales


Area of focus of a business.

Value Description
ARTISTS_PHOTOGRAPHERS_CREATIVE Artists, Photographers & Creative Types
CONSULTANTS_PROFESSIONALS Consultants & Professionals
FINANCE_INSURANCE Financial Services
HAIR_SPA_AESTHETICS Hair, Spa & Aesthetics
NONPROFIT_ASSOCIATIONS_GROUPS Non-profits, Associations & Groups
OTHER Other (please specify)
PRODUCT_PROVIDER General: I make or sell a PRODUCT
REALESTATE_HOME Real Estate, Construction & Home Improvement
RETAILERS_AND_RESELLERS Retailers, Resellers & Sales


Country codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).

Value Description
AD Andorra
AE United Arab Emirates
AF Afghanistan
AG Antigua and Barbuda
AI Anguilla
AL Albania
AM Armenia
AO Angola
AQ Antarctica
AR Argentina
AS American Samoa
AT Austria
AU Australia
AW Aruba
AX Åland Islands
AZ Azerbaijan
BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
BB Barbados
BD Bangladesh
BE Belgium
BF Burkina Faso
BG Bulgaria
BH Bahrain
BI Burundi
BJ Benin
BL Saint Barthélemy
BM Bermuda
BN Brunei Darussalam
BO Bolivia, Plurinational State of
BQ Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
BR Brazil
BS Bahamas
BT Bhutan
BV Bouvet Island
BW Botswana
BY Belarus
BZ Belize
CA Canada
CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands
CD Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
CF Central African Republic
CG Congo
CH Switzerland
CI Côte d'Ivoire
CK Cook Islands
CL Chile
CM Cameroon
CN China
CO Colombia
CR Costa Rica
CU Cuba
CV Cape Verde
CW Curaçao
CX Christmas Island
CY Cyprus
CZ Czech Republic
DE Germany
DJ Djibouti
DK Denmark
DM Dominica
DO Dominican Republic
DZ Algeria
EC Ecuador
EE Estonia
EG Egypt
EH Western Sahara
ER Eritrea
ES Spain
ET Ethiopia
FI Finland
FJ Fiji
FK Falkland Islands
FM Micronesia, Federated States of
FO Faroe Islands
FR France
GA Gabon
GB United Kingdom
GD Grenada
GE Georgia
GF French Guiana
GG Guernsey
GH Ghana
GI Gibraltar
GL Greenland
GM Gambia
GN Guinea
GP Guadeloupe
GQ Equatorial Guinea
GR Greece
GS South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
GT Guatemala
GU Guam
GW Guinea-Bissau
GY Guyana
HK Hong Kong
HM Heard Island and McDonald Islands
HN Honduras
HR Croatia
HT Haiti
HU Hungary
ID Indonesia
IE Ireland
IL Israel
IM Isle of Man
IN India
IO British Indian Ocean Territory
IQ Iraq
IR Iran
IS Iceland
IT Italy
JE Jersey
JM Jamaica
JO Jordan
JP Japan
KE Kenya
KG Kyrgyzstan
KH Cambodia
KI Kiribati
KM Comoros
KN Saint Kitts and Nevis
KP Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
KR Korea, Republic of
KW Kuwait
KY Cayman Islands
KZ Kazakhstan
LA Lao People's Democratic Republic
LB Lebanon
LC Saint Lucia
LI Liechtenstein
LK Sri Lanka
LR Liberia
LS Lesotho
LT Lithuania
LU Luxembourg
LV Latvia
LY Libya
MA Morocco
MC Monaco
MD Moldova, Republic of
ME Montenegro
MF Saint Martin
MG Madagascar
MH Marshall Islands
MK North Macedonia
ML Mali
MM Myanmar
MN Mongolia
MO Macao
MP Northern Mariana Islands
MQ Martinique
MR Mauritania
MS Montserrat
MT Malta
MU Mauritius
MV Maldives
MW Malawi
MX Mexico
MY Malaysia
MZ Mozambique
NA Namibia
NC New Caledonia
NE Niger
NF Norfolk Island
NG Nigeria
NI Nicaragua
NL Netherlands
NO Norway
NP Nepal
NR Nauru
NU Niue
NZ New Zealand
OM Oman
PA Panama
PE Peru
PF French Polynesia
PG Papua New Guinea
PH Philippines
PK Pakistan
PL Poland
PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon
PN Pitcairn
PR Puerto Rico
PS Palestine
PT Portugal
PW Palau
PY Paraguay
QA Qatar
RE Réunion
RO Romania
RS Serbia
RU Russian Federation
RW Rwanda
SA Saudi Arabia
SB Solomon Islands
SC Seychelles
SD Sudan
SE Sweden
SG Singapore
SH Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
SI Slovenia
SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen
SK Slovakia
SL Sierra Leone
SM San Marino
SN Senegal
SO Somalia
SR Suriname
SS South Sudan
ST Sao Tome and Principe
SV El Salvador
SX Sint Maarten
SY Syria
SZ Eswatini
TC Turks and Caicos Islands
TD Chad
TF French Southern Territories
TG Togo
TH Thailand
TJ Tajikistan
TK Tokelau
TL Timor-Leste
TM Turkmenistan
TN Tunisia
TO Tonga
TR Turkey
TT Trinidad and Tobago
TV Tuvalu
TW Taiwan
TZ Tanzania, United Republic of
UA Ukraine
UG Uganda
UM United States Minor Outlying Islands
US United States
UY Uruguay
UZ Uzbekistan
VA Holy See
VC Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
VE Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
VG Virgin Islands (British)
VI Virgin Islands (U.S)
VN Viet Nam
VU Vanuatu
WF Wallis and Futuna
WS Samoa
YE Yemen
YT Mayotte
ZA South Africa
ZM Zambia
ZW Zimbabwe


Currency codes based on ISO 4217.

Value Description
AED UAE dirham
AFN Afghani
AMD Armenian dram
ANG Netherlands Antillean Guilder
AOA Kwanza
ARS Argentinian peso
AUD Australian dollar
AWG Aruban Guilder
AZN New Manat
BAM Convertible Marks
BBD Barbados dollar
BDT Taka
BHD Bahraini dinar
BIF Burundi franc
BMD Bermuda dollar
BND Brunei dollar
BOB Boliviano
BRL Real
BSD Bahamian dollar
BTN Ngultrum
BWP Pula
BYR Belarussian rouble
BZD Belize dollar
CAD Canadian dollar
CDF Franc congolais
CHF Swiss franc
CLP Chilean peso
CNY Ren-Min-Bi yuan
COP Colombian peso
CRC Costa Rican colon
CUP Cuban peso
CVE Cape Verde escudo
CZK Czech koruna
DJF Djibouti franc
DKK Danish krone
DOP Dominican peso
DZD Algerian dinar
EEK Estonian kroon
EGP Egyptian pound
ERN Nakfa
ETB Ethiopian birr
EUR Euro
FJD Fiji dollar
FKP Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Pound
GBP Pound sterling
GEL Lari
GHS Ghana Cedi
GIP Gibraltar pound
GMD Dalasi
GNF Guinean franc
GTQ Quetzal
GWP Guinean bissau Peso
GYD Guyana dollar
HKD Hong Kong dollar
HNL Lempira
HRK Kuna
HTG Haitian gourde
HUF Forint
IDR Rupiah
ILS New Israeli sheqel
INR Indian rupee
IQD Iraqi dinar
IRR Iranian rial
ISK Icelandic Krona
JMD Jamaican dollar
JOD Jordanian dinar
KES Kenyan shilling
KGS Kyrgyz Som
KHR Riel
KMF Comoro franc
KWD Kuwaiti dinar
KYD Cayman Islands dollar
KZT Tenge
LBP Lebanese pound
LKR Sri Lankan rupee
LRD Liberian dollar
LSL Loti
LTL Lithuanian litus
LVL Latvian lats
LYD Libyan dinar
MAD Moroccan dirham
MDL Moldovan leu
MGA Malagasy Ariary
MKD Denar
MMK Kyat
MNT Tugrik
MOP Pataca
MRO Ouguiya
MRU Ouguiya
MUR Mauritian rupee
MVR Rufiyaa
MWK Kwacha
MXN Mexican peso
MYR Malaysian ringgit
MZN Metical
NAD Namibian dollar
NGN Naira
NIO Cordoba Oro
NOK Norwegian krone
NPR Nepalese rupee
NZD New Zealand dollar
OMR Omani rial
PAB Balboa
PEN Nuevo Sol
PGK Kina
PHP Philippine peso
PKR Pakistani rupee
PLN Zloty
PYG Guarani
QAR Qatari riyal
RON New Leu
RSD Serbian Dinar
RUB Russian rouble
RWF Rwanda franc
SAR Saudi riyal
SBD Solomon Islands Dollar
SCR Seychelles rupee
SDG Sudanese Pound
SEK Swedish Krona
SGD Singapore dollar
SHP Saint Helena Pound
SLL Leone
SOS Somali shilling
SRD Surinam dollar
SSP South Sudanese pound
STD Dobra
SVC El Salvador colon
SYP Syrian pound
SZL Lilangeni
THB Baht
TJS Somoni
TMM Manat
TND Tunisian dinar
TOP Pa'anga
TRY Turkish Lira
TTD Trinidad and Tobago dollar
TWD Taiwan New Dollar
TZS Tanzanian shilling
UAH Hryvnia
UGX Ugandan shilling
USD United States dollar
UYU Uruguayo peso
UZS Uzbekistan sum
VEF Bolivar Fuerte
VND Dong
VUV Vatu
WST Samoan Tala
XCD Eastern Caribbean dollar
XPF Comptoirs Francais du Pacifique Francs
YER Yemeni rial
ZAR Rand
ZMK Kwacha
ZMW Kwacha
ZWD Zimbabwean dollar


Options by which customers can be ordered.

Value Description
CREATED_AT_ASC Ascending by creation time.
CREATED_AT_DESC Descending by creation time.
MODIFIED_AT_ASC Ascending by modified time.
MODIFIED_AT_DESC Descending by modified time.
NAME_ASC Ascending by name.
NAME_DESC Descending by name.


Status of an invoice.

Value Description
DRAFT The invoice is still a draft.
SAVED The invoice was saved.


Type of invoice discount.

Value Description
FIXED Fixed dollar amount discount.
PERCENTAGE Type of invoice discount.


Invoice send method.

Value Description
MARKED_SENT Marked as sent.
NOT_SENT Not sent.
OUTLOOK Outlook.
SHARED_LINK Shared link.
SKIPPED Skipped.
WAVE Wave.
YAHOO Yahoo.


Options by which invoices can be ordered.

Value Description
AMOUNT_DUE_ASC Ascending by amount due.
AMOUNT_DUE_DESC Descending by amount due.
AMOUNT_PAID_ASC Ascending by amount paid.
AMOUNT_PAID_DESC Descending by amount paid.
CREATED_AT_ASC Ascending by creation time.
CREATED_AT_DESC Descending by creation time.
CUSTOMER_NAME_ASC Ascending by customer's name.
CUSTOMER_NAME_DESC Descending by customer's name.
DUE_AT_ASC Ascending by due date.
DUE_AT_DESC Descending by due date.
INVOICE_DATE_ASC Ascending by invoice date.
INVOICE_DATE_DESC Descending by invoice date.
INVOICE_NUMBER_ASC Ascending by invoice number.
INVOICE_NUMBER_DESC Descending by invoice number.
MODIFIED_AT_ASC Ascending by modified date.
MODIFIED_AT_DESC Descending by modified date.
STATUS_ASC Ascending by status.
STATUS_DESC Descending by status.
TOTAL_ASC Ascending by total amount.
TOTAL_DESC Descending by total amount.


Status of an invoice.

Value Description
DRAFT The invoice is still a draft.
OVERDUE The invoice is overdue.
OVERPAID The invoice was overpaid.
PAID The invoice was paid.
PARTIAL The invoice was partially paid.
SAVED The invoice was saved.
SENT The invoice was sent.
UNPAID The invoice is unpaid.
VIEWED The invoice was viewed.


Forms of business ownership.

Value Description


Options by which products can be ordered.

Value Description
CREATED_AT_ASC Ascending by creation time.
CREATED_AT_DESC Descending by creation time.
MODIFIED_AT_ASC Ascending by modified time.
MODIFIED_AT_DESC Descending by modified time.
NAME_ASC Ascending by name.
NAME_DESC Descending by name.


Wave's schemas.

Value Description
HRBLOCK Available only to HR Block integration.
INTERNAL Available only to Wave.
PUBLIC Available to all third parties.
STAFF Available only to Wave staff.


Represents the direction of a transaction.

Value Description
DEPOSIT To put in.
WITHDRAWAL To remove from.


Represents the origin of a transaction.

Value Description
MANUAL Manually created transaction.
ZAPIER Transaction created through Zapier.



The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.


ISO-8601 date object. Format returned will follow yyyy-MM-dd.


ISO-8601 date and time object. Format returned will follow yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ where the timezone is UTC.


A signed decimal number, which supports arbitrary precision and is serialized as a string. Example value: 14.99.


The Float scalar type represents signed double-precision fractional values as specified by IEEE 754.


A field whose value is a hex color code:


The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.


The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.


The JSON scalar type represents JSON values as specified by ECMA-404.


The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.


A field whose value conforms to the standard URL format as specified in RFC3986:



An object belonging to a Business with an ID.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! ID of the object.
business Business! Business that the node belongs to.


Common base properties of InvoiceDiscounts.

Field Argument Type Description
createdAt DateTime! When the invoice discount was created.
modifiedAt DateTime! When the invoice discount was last modified.
name String A description of the discount.


An object with an ID.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! ID of the object.



Specifies either the invoice is made from estimate, is recurring, or created manually.

Type Description
Estimate An approximate bill given to a buyer indicating the products or services, quantities, and expected prices (not a request for payment).
RecurringInvoice A template that can be used to generate and possibly pay an invoice at regular intervals.
NewEstimate An estimate created in our new platform.