Create a customer under a business.
Includes optional data firstName
, lastName
, email
, address
and currency
See Variables for how to pass in String
data as arguments.
See Errors for additional information about error cases.
with a real business id.
- Operation
mutation ($input: CustomerCreateInput!) { customerCreate(input: $input) { didSucceed inputErrors { code message path } customer { id name firstName lastName email address { addressLine1 addressLine2 city province { code name } country { code name } postalCode } currency { code } } } }
- Operation Variables
{ "input": { "businessId": "<BUSINESS_ID>", "name": "Santa", "firstName": "Saint", "lastName": "Nicholas", "email": "", "address": { "city": "North Pole", "postalCode": "H0H 0H0", "provinceCode": "CA-NU", "countryCode": "CA" }, "currency": "CAD" } }