Fetches a customer's data given an id
using GraphQL Variables.
with a real business id and <CUSTOMER_ID>
with a real customer id.
- Operation
query ($businessId: ID!, $customerId: ID!) { business(id: $businessId) { id customer(id: $customerId) { id name firstName lastName email mobile phone fax tollFree website address { addressLine1 addressLine2 city province { code name } country { code name } postalCode } shippingDetails { name phone instructions address { addressLine1 addressLine2 city province { code name } country { code name } postalCode } } currency { code name symbol } createdAt modifiedAt overdueAmount { raw value } outstandingAmount { raw value } } } }
- Operation Variables
{ "businessId": "<BUSINESS_ID>", "customerId": "<CUSTOMER_ID>" }