For a specific business, fetches the first page of invoices. See schema for all options.
with a real business id.
- Operation
query($businessId: ID!, $page: Int!, $pageSize: Int!) { business(id: $businessId) { id invoices(page: $page, pageSize: $pageSize) { pageInfo { currentPage totalPages totalCount } edges { node { id createdAt modifiedAt pdfUrl viewUrl status title subhead invoiceNumber invoiceDate poNumber customer { id name # Can add additional customer fields here } currency { code } dueDate amountDue { value currency { symbol } } amountPaid { value currency { symbol } } taxTotal { value currency { symbol } } total { value currency { symbol } } exchangeRate footer memo disableCreditCardPayments disableBankPayments itemTitle unitTitle priceTitle amountTitle hideName hideDescription hideUnit hidePrice hideAmount items { product { id name # Can add additional product fields here } description quantity price subtotal { value currency { symbol } } total { value currency { symbol } } account { id name subtype { name value } # Can add additional account fields here } taxes { amount { value } salesTax { id name # Can add additional sales tax fields here } } } lastSentAt lastSentVia lastViewedAt } } } } }
- Operation Variables
{ "businessId": "<BUSINESS_ID>", "page": 1, "pageSize": 20 }