Create a product (or service) under a business.
Inputs required name
and unitPrice
along with optional description
To indicate you are selling the product, provide an incomeAccountId
. Valid income accounts can be found by filtering accounts by subtypes INCOME
To indicate you are buying the product, provide an expenseAccountId
. This can be instead of, or in addition to incomeAccountId
. Valid expense accounts can be found by filtering accounts by subtypes EXPENSE
with a real business id and <ACCOUNT_ID>
with a real account id.
- Find Valid Income Accounts
query { business(id: "<BUSINESS_ID>") { id accounts(subtypes: [INCOME, DISCOUNTS, OTHER_INCOME]) { edges { node { id name subtype { name value } } } } } }
- Create Operation
mutation ($input: ProductCreateInput!) { productCreate(input: $input) { didSucceed inputErrors { code message path } product { id name description unitPrice incomeAccount { id name } expenseAccount { id name } isSold isBought isArchived createdAt modifiedAt } } }
- Operation Variables
{ "input": { "businessId": "<BUSINESS_ID>", "name": "LED Bulb", "description": "5 Watt C7 light bulb", "unitPrice": "2.0625", "incomeAccountId": "<ACCOUNT_ID>" } }